Business & Delivery eBikes

Business & Delivery eBikes


      Let us help you find a delivery bike or company ebike to support your business needs.  With over 30 years experience, our experts can help you choose the bike that is right for your business or courier delivery service.

      Whether you’re delivering boxes or serving up ice cream (or anything in between) we offer unique transport solutions for your business. Our bikes for businesses range from smaller folding cargo bikes to large flatbed trailers. Additionally, our company bikes can be customised with electric-assist options to help you transport heavier loads and travel further distances with ease. Above all – bikes are fun!

      Why use a bike for business? Cycling is a healthy alternative mode of transport which helps reduce pollution and traffic congestion. Bike deliveries can also be faster in high-traffic areas and the running cost of a company bike is far less than a car or truck.  Find out more about how companies are replacing delivery vans with bikes with Last Mile deliveries.

      Not sure which option is right for you? We are here to help! Contact us today for advice or to try before you buy. With most ebikes ready to try in Auckland.

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